Thursday, March 12, 2020



Hey guys!

 Last class my group and I created our storyboard. Here it is (2 pages) :

By creating our storyboard it was seamless to get our ideas concrete and fully establish how we want certain shots to come out. For example our shot of Mia sitting at the desk while she drifts off to a daydream, we decided while drawing the scene, that we wanted to have a mid-shot instead of a long-shot. We decided on a mid-shot being better for this particular scene because we thought we would have to film after-school hours for us 3 to be able to film during the week prior to Spring Break. 

We decided on using Wednesday, which would be a B day at our school, and go at the start of the lunch that the three of us have together, A lunch. We planned on using Janeys’ third hour teacher, Mr. Petraitis’ room for filming, located in the 300s building. We are now focusing on a mid-shot because the classroom will be empty, and by just having the shot focused on Mia, this empty room will not be revealed in the film opening. We have to work around this obstacle and make it work. During this day, we have decided upon using this chance to film the first 5 squares in our storyboard, circled in pink here: 

My group and I treated our storyboard more of as a rough draft outline than anything specific, as we wanted a place to have our general ideas down on. Another reason as to why the storyboard was key for my group was because in our last project, which we created a music video dubbed “Trouble”, while we were filming the storyboard was there with us as an essential tool. The storyboard was just as important as the phones we were using to film. It guided us through our outlined shots and ensured that we would not forget anything minor.

By creating our storyboard, my group and I decided that the whole filming process would not be as hard as we presumed. We would need one day at school and then one day outside of school for the flash mob scene and that was it. I was overwhelmed before with thinking about all of the amount of time we would need to film and how our schedules, besides the fact that we mapped it all out on a google calendar, would be tricky still. 

I had done some research on my own before we created the storyboard in class and it helped sum up for me why storyboards are important to have. I used this link :

Here I took a snippet of a part of the website that I feel like helped me further realize how essential the storyboard was to our production process, especially due to the musical element of it.

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