Monday, November 25, 2019

Representation Analysis

The way in which the media chooses to represent our reality to us, influences how we perceive different groups and communities. Everything from gender to culture is meticulously chosen by the media to be presented in a certain way to the mass public. A majority of what we consume is media provided by these big companies, and therefore what they choose to either represent or not, is heavily influenced by the specific ownership.

H&M "close the loop" -

In this Advertisement for the store H&M, representation was key to attracting customers to their cause, of recycling clothing. In this AD, both males and females were equally advertised, therefore leaving gender as represented. Something interesting this AD did was include those not only young, more likely to shop at H&M, but also older groups of people. A girl around the age of six was shown just as a woman in her sixties was also shown. The woman wearing a hijab and the man dressed like a Sikh was fully including those cultures that are typically left out in AD's and commercials. By showing gay people, transgenders, LGBTQ people, and mixed race people, the AD was implying that all in all, we are all the same no matter how you identify yourself, because we can all come together for a greater cause of helping the Earth.

When the audience is faced with these underrepresented examples, they are forced to see how this brand advocates for all people, no matter their size, age, weight, race, nor sexual orientation, are all in all the same and that fashion is used expressively to each person. Overall shows how it does not matter what age you are, what you look like nor how you dress, but the important thing to retain after viewing the AD is that anyone can donate their clothes to be recycled. It shows that no matter if you are a man wearing short clothes or a woman dressed as a male, at the end of the day, everyone is equal in the sense that anything they wear, no matter how socially controversial, can still be donated and put to a better cause.


In this Advertisement for Tide, representation was used in a particular manner attracting those of all genders and sexual identifications. By using a young girl who likes to dress as a boy and play with boy toys, Tide is completely challenging societal norms and stating you can dress however you want, and all can use Tide when washing their clothes. By including a young girl that is dressing like a boy, Tide in a way is attracting parents that may have a similar situation at home and help them see how it is not a big deal how your child dresses, because no matter who you are, Tide works the same for all.
This aspect of reality was used because not only can many relate to it, but also many may favor Tide as a brand because of how they are representing other genders, challenging femininity.

When the audience is faced with this AD, the representation example that Tide used can greatly attract many people. Many people may be fond of Tide now for the reason of their representation of inclusivity at all ages. Some may also feel that if such a big brand is explicitly stating that "Style is an option", that this brand is with the current times and is up to date. It may be the most relatable AD that many may have seen a detergent company do.

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