Thursday, March 19, 2020



Hey guys!

It is becoming more and more difficult to plan and organize our project as the days pass. The amount of people that are frantically trying to get things in order and see that they and their family are prepared is overwhelming. Aside from this Covid-19 chaos, on March 18th, my teacher set up an online meeting dubbed "Our Totally Normal Online Meeting". In this meeting it was the first time we got to ask questions directly to our teacher and have her give us advice on how we should change our storyline, what Cambridge has changed on their end and many more things. This meeting definitely confirmed what I had presumed, we have to change our entire plot and storyline.

Here is a snapshot of the meeting presentation my teacher put together for us :

In this meeting my teacher spoke about updates concerning our specific school, our county, and what the superiors at Cambridge had released at the time about the virus. Within this meeting, there was a section in which students could pose questions for our teacher to answer, and as I saw all of them coming in, I realized it was not just my group that was stressed and overwhelmed with everything. Other students had questions very similar to mine. It was reassuring to see many were likewise counting on our Spring Break Vacation (March 22-March 29) to film and meet with their other group members.

During the meeting as my teacher was giving us information, I decided on jotting down some notes, so I could later contact my own group and discuss what changes should be made to our project.
Here is a picture of some of the notes I took :

With our project deadline being extended until April 12th 2020, my group and I have a bit more time to redo our plot and create a new film opening. We are still patiently awaiting updates from both our school, Cypress Bay High, and Cambridge. For now this is what I know, however the facts change almost daily concerning Covid-19.

I am staying up to date with websites such as and , monitoring the entire pandemic closely and staying in touch with my group members as well as other students in my AICE Media Class.

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